The Knights of Banjo Hollow

How to Join

There's no need to officially join or take KBH vows. Just help us out if you are so inclined. Here's some ways to do that:

  • Write articles on KBH themes. We are a free-speech forum, so express your ideas, and we'll post them here or at the blog
  • Make pages in html code with a simple text editor [linux] [windows], and Bob's your uncle!
  • Find links on current events and KBH themes
  • Write lyrics and music (install Audacity for free and study through tuts)
  • Make graphics (install Gimp for free and study through tuts)
  • Make videos (install OpenShot [linux], install WMM, or iMovie - videos easy to make!)
  • Go "pic hunting" for KBH themes, e.g., meditation pictures, religious inspiration, anti-sin graphics....
  • Make a mirror of KBH materials (thanks for crediting us and leading them to our site in the process). This helps spread materials and prevent censorship. All KBH original materials are copyleft, however if we post material from others, they may be snotty about mirroring, so be careful
  • Translate KBH articles or provide new ones in other languages - particularly European languages or the pan-European language, Esperanto. Learn a new language and minister in that language (free tuts for French, German, Italian and Chinese at the BBC).
  • Man the Dharma Jive Nest. Currently knights are jiving there in the late hours, US time. How about other times? How about times appropriate for European knights?
  • Join as an abstinence/celibacy expert, a sobriety expert, or an expert on any KBH theme. Uncle Jeebers volunteered there for three years and has answered hundreds of questions to seekers. This is a great service, brothers!
  • Offer your pad for knight-surfing. Many knights wish to travel the world and meet brothers from all walks of life. Knights also wish to find out who they are compatible with for communal living in preparation for physical KBH establishment in 2015. All pads are non-smoking, comfortable environments for chanting, jiving and meditation.

For collaborative projects and advice, contact us at ian.mrtao(at) Address your letter to a knight in your field, if you are so inclined. You can also arrange to stay with KBH members in the USA, Canada, Europe and China.

Here are the KBH departments:

1. The Swordsmiths. The Swordsmiths may help add material to the KBH site. They are striving to be better men. You can address your letter to Mario for more information about becoming a KBH Swordsmith.

KBH Bards
Uncle Jeebers in a White male country music band in Nanjing, China.
The other guys are not members of the KBH

2. The Bards. The Bards are involved in helping us create and propagate inspirational music or just clean country music. Please address your letter to Uncle Jeebers to become a Bard.

The other two departments have somewhat higher standards, as they maintain certain administrative rights in the KBH:

3. The Cultivators. The Cultivators have been chaste for at least six months, are vegetarian and meditate daily. They are chaste but are still considering being a householder (i.e., family men who have sex for procreation purposes only). Please address your letter to Br. Catfish (Clayton) to become a Cultivator.

4. The Knights. The Knights are vowed to remain celibate and chaste for life. They are vegetarian and meditate at least thirty minutes a day. They are vowed to participate in the household meeting in 2015, where all Knights will determine a household location. For inquiries concerning this order, please address your letter Uncle Jeebers or Br. Catfish.

Admins at our contact email are happy to assist you with spiritual advice as well. If you'd like to try out our lifestyle, you're welcome to go knight-surfing and arrange a stay with any one of our members in the USA, Canada, Europe or Australia. If you cannot decide to join us for the 2015 founding, you will be welcome to stay with us at our household anytime you like.

*KBH themes include: continence/chastity, men's rights, sobriety, meditation, religion/mysticism, cosmic bliss, environmentally/morally conservative politics, animal rights, peace, intactivism, pro-homophobia and anything consistent with virtue and spiritual persuits [top]

*****The KBH*****

KBH original Articles:

External Links:

Uncle Jeebers:
Against MGM
Porn Propaganda Debunked