The chaste, religious Knight of Banjo Hollow must discriminate among the various Yah's Enoch calendar authors to come to an informed choice before official KBH Enoch calendars roll out. Mouse-over for extra info.
Of all the authors, John Minten presents the best enocal available. He is Christian, flat-earth, is a 4th-day starter and seems to put vernal equinox at the 16th or 17th, which would be Jerusalem as the center of the world, though uses gregorian's march 21st as a "breddy gud" determinant of what is four days after equinox. (If you go by daylight numbers on for Jerusalem, equinox is on the 16th, and the 21st would be five days from this). His doctrinal problems are Saul-cucking, accepting certain late-babylonian/pharisee words and traditions (a typical issue with most Hebrew roots people), a very badly confused, unclear writing style and presentation, and pontificating.
We call him that because he's a non-Christian promoting a creepy Khazar bugman who is perhaps the author of this particular enocal. He's a much better writer than Minten, but still has a very long and convoluted presentation of what's under the hood. To his credit, he's FE, vegan, and his calendar is only a two-page image file. With such a clean document it's very easy to check the first and last weeks plus only two, easily-understood footnotes.
He's a Jerusalem 16th-er, which makes more sense than Minten. But he's not a 4th-day starter, however. A Khazar understandably does not have the divine seed/chastity to understand the meaning of "light" in the first sentence of the bible, i.e., good as defined from evil, a paralell with Adam and Eve's story. Unaware of the one day = one thousand human years 2030 armageddon prophesy and defiant of Jesus' divinity, he further cannot understand that for the first four thousand years of human history Mankind was without Jesus/Yahoshuah and in darkness.
Vanderlaan is a Hebrew roots-er, and takes pharisee law just as seriously as Shem's. As Bugman above, his presentation is very clear and simple. 4th day start is correct. To his credit he literally checks equinox at Jerusalem, and he comes ahead one day on Minten's 2018 calendar, starting on and counting the first day of remembrance. States that first day of the year is the first 4th day after spring equinox, without seemingly any one-week synchronizing or jubilee years ever declared. Puts resurrection on sabbath night after sundown instead of Minten's before dawn. Vernal equinox March 20, 2020? Uses equinox time and date from and plants new year's as the next day always. Seems reasonable and very simple but, isn't that figure from NASA and/or baal earthing? And second, where is the full moon (within 4 days around, but not on) equinox sign = add seven days rule shown in scripture?
Nick comes up with generally a very accurate, calibrated and biblical calendar, but admittedly (on his site, full moons markers are not verified yet.
Charlotte has a tacky but fairly easily-understood calendar, a certain percentage of pharisee/late-babylonian law, also a considerable amount of baal earthing, contradicted by some dabbling in geocentrism. The confederate flag site background is totally based.
Her March 18th 2020 new year agrees with Leeland Jones'.
The author of this app is unknown, though it could be Ryan Waldrop, the lead developer. Based on dead sea scrolls (perhaps quite unreliable after 60 years of silence, many political motivations, and the current government there) zadok texts. Zadok was a line of priests that used enocal (enocal defines the priestly classes and service schedules).
Equinox here is based on sun at 90° at equator. Equator could be defined by nassholes. We think the bible defines it as Jerusalem (Ezekiel 38:12). Equinox arrived at by the app is march 20th, and march 21st is put as the first enocal day for 2020. Sabbaths end up on gregorian tuesdays.
Author is named Lee. He also puts new year's 2020 at the 21st, though promotes pharisee "days" and takes sundial readings from Moab instead of Jerusalem.
Further reading:
When does a day start?
Texts of Michael Heiser's context, linguistics, archeology and translation issues surrounding the bible
Biblical analysis by William Finck which shows that Israelites equal Whites
200 Proofs the Earth is flat (and the bible is right), by Eric Dubay